CornerStone Wrap and Wrap Plus Coverage
Archived CornerStone News

For those customers who are interested in keeping their vehicle beyond the expiration of the manufacturer’s powertrain warranty, we offer a product called Wrap Plus. Wrap Plus is the same as a Wrap but, upon the expiration of the manufacturer’s powertrain warranty when a Wrap coverage would also normally expire, coverage continues with the addition of exclusionary powertrain coverage. This offers the customer a full exclusionary level of protection beyond the powertrain warranty and through the expiration of the Wrap Plus term selected at a lesser cost compared to a full exclusionary service contract.

As the average length of car ownership continues to increase, Wrap Plus is a product that dealers will want to have available to ensure they don’t miss out on sales opportunities that will offer their customer’s exclusionary protection that complement the base/powertrain warranty of the vehicle.